Radical Intelligence
Googleβs human engineers no longer steer or even comprehend its search algorithm. We get the answers It wants to give us.
Amazon has dismantled and globalized nearly all the local supply chains. We all need each other completely, and always have.
Facebook has encoded and externalized the hive mind, juicing it with sociopathic experience design that hijacks and manipulates our emotions.
Github Copilot can outcode anyone and everyone. Github is of course now a Microsoft company. As software eats everything, the author of the software had better know how to chew.
Progress or die�
that poverty and all its concomitants show themselves in communities just as they develop into the conditions toward which material progress tends - proves that the social difficulties existing wherever a certain stage of progress has been reached, do not arise from local circumstances, but are, in some way or another, engendered by progress itself
Progress is over,
like Web 2.0
Overgrowth becomes decay.
Gaiaβs Guidelines #1
Eat and become food.