you say?
How does that go?
To save the world,
we let it flow 🎐
To heal our woes
we start down low 🐾
We salve our soles
to stand a chance 🤞
Return to roots
and barefoot dance 💃
To smooth our prickles
and soothe our goo 💩
We play for shiggles
with fram and fiends 💗
We aim to heal
our deepest wounds 🐋
When no one wins,
we lose our minds 🤯
When no one minds,
everyone wins
🌬️So we breathe 💨
let the mind unwind 🧶
Mindlessness is the new
mindfulness 🧠🍆🧠
I must not fear. Fear is the mind. Killer fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain. Frank Herbert from Dune, with a tiny tweak
For what fills a mind?
if not crystalline fear?🧂
Is it joy that
keeps us up at night?
Love makes hearts race
and minds blank.
See, dogma
is the DNA 🐑
of institutional, colonial,
and systemic oppression 🚔
Tragedies are static stories 🎭
Foreshadowed doom
comes to pass
Comedies end
with new beginnings
—a birth, new love—
big changes.
Change is the only constant
अनित्य anitya
This too shall pass این نیز بگذرد
Yes we can
flip the script
Scarcity sucks,
and it ain’t true 🙊
Though propaganda now
infuses our culture
With each intention
and every choice
we co-author the future 🖋️
As a tornado
begins with a breeze
so a golden age
starts with a smile 🤣
Our legacy can be peace
a tale of togetherness
a gentle revolution
of love and connection 💞
Together we can
remember how to
Love is the answer
to any quagmire 🦢
Our forms and habits
evolve as echoes 💞
With morphic resonance
shapes emerge, refine, recur
Truth sings within
ready to soar
when the moment arrives⌛
But, born into
we barely notice that
the cage door is ajar 😮
Intelligence has
been outsourced
Morality has been
superseded by optics 🙈
Impressions now
dictate our ethics
The real and the imaginal
are trading places 👾
But hold no illusions…
We are responsible for our fate
Power over is violence
Power with 🧑🤝🧑
is progress
The control we strive to wield—the power over (our very) nature we so badly crave—is both an exercise in futility, for Gaia will have her way regardless of our machinations, and the death knell of civilization, tolling out as all of our best-laid plans go astray.
And yet, somehow,
we are okay
Our connection
is immanent
All Earthly denizens are
co-dependent by nature 🌦️
stories of separation
ricochet off our
pockmarked psyches 🌑
There’s a war on…
just about everything 💥
So one has to ask…
“Is it serious?” 💣
There is only one serious
philosophical question,
and that is suicide. Albert Camus
Pandemic lockdown
seems pretty serious 🙀
But maybe
nothing is fucked
after all 🤷
Is covid over?
Can we learn to let it be? 💫
We must adjust the Self
to include the/each Other
Taking sides,
we get half smile.
includes all beings
ill beings and well beings
Please call me by my true names. so I can hear all my cries
and my laughter at once, so I can see that
my joy and pain are one. Thich Nhat Hanh
D.A.R.E. to say
no to dogma 🐕🦺
When hearts
trump minds 🧠
we will rewild the world 🦏
When money isn’t
made of debt 💰
we will all be rich ⚡
To be debt-free
is a beautiful dream
Why not workfree too?
There is enough.
We have enough.
We are okay.
We are enough.
Scare City
is a dark fantasy
a withered realm
trapped in a field
of fear and isolation 👹
The Noosphere contains
and connects even our minds.
To craft the Starseed
the fullsmile world needs you
To slow the hurry
To forgive the past
To face your fears
To burn through grief
To wash away blame
To snuff out guilt
To live for bliss
To go workfree
To be present